Shanghai'd Again

October 15, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

(HDR image of the Shanghai Skyline taken from The Bund)

I recently visited Shanghai again, but this time I was able to bring my good camera along.  (Canon 5D mk II) Boasting the largest city by population, over 23 million people call Shanghai home.  (Although I wouldn’t understand them because my Mandarin is lacking.)

Shanghai’s unique skyline is often photographed, and the best venue to do so is an area called the Bund.  Fun to say, The Bund is the waterfront area of Shanghai.  Adorned with interesting architecture, trendy restaurants, plentiful shopping, and a wide pedestrian area the Bund draws people by the thousands daily - and nightly. In fact, the skyline is even more impressive at night.

A mere photo doesn’t do the lights justice – huge skyscrapers are transformed into monster television sets.  Here is some video I shot the night I visited the Bund. (Hit the full-screen button on the video to really see it.)

Ok, back to daytime.  Walking the Bund is a favorite activity of locals and tourists alike.  We also saw some local artists painting.

Opposite the water are other exceptional views of the city.

After checking out the Bund we decided to walk back towards the hotel via East Nanjing Street, a popular shopping area.  On the way there we saw people waiting in line to get their photo in front of a huge Mao statute.

This guy couldn't wait for his turn.

We continued towards Nanjing street.

Here is East Nanjin Street.  Any store you can think of can be found on this street, including the cutting edge "Shanghai Fashion Store."

Where the following couple HAD to have just visited.

Also while we were on Nanjing, we watched a worker conduct a clinic on ladder safety.  (He was also working on live electrical wires at the time. )

Evidently OSHA isn't that big in China.  It's hard to tell from the above image, but there aren't any cross-pieces in the ladder holding it together, just a random piece of wire somebody tied on.

We eventually made it back to our hotel, the JW Marriott at Tomorrow Square.  This Marriott has a fun feature that few people know about.  First you have to take the elevator to the 59th floor. (This is the top floor you can select in the main elevator.)  Then walk to the Executive Lounge. 

Immediately after entering the Executive Lounge, you will see a set of stairs to the right with this sign:

Climb the stairs until you see the library door.

Use your room key to enter the library, and look at the bookshelves on the left side of the room:

If you look carefully, you will notice 3 hinges on the second bookcase.  This is a hidden door.  (In this photo the door is slightly ajar - that is how I noticed all this the first time.)  You can simply pull on the bookcase and it will swing open secret passage style.

Behind the bookcase are two doors that have always been unlocked every time I've ventured up there.  If you open the second door you find yourself on a huge outdoor deck with an amazing view of Shanghai from 60 stories up.


So there you have it - the Bund, East Nanjing Road and a secret passage to an amazing view.  Shanghai has a lot to offer, if you find yourself in China definitely check it out!


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