Big Brother is Watching.... well, maybe..

November 15, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

It has been said that good pictures need to tell a story, and I believe my photo down below does just that.  This was taken from the airport ramp just outside a city in northern China.  (I'm being vague on purpose.)  Anyway, these two soldiers were standing at stiff attention facing the ramp.  I couldn't figure out what purpose they were serving, this wasn't really a strategic location to post a guard, and they didn't have any weapons.  (Except perhaps the pile of bricks to the right of them.)  I remembered that they were intently holding their attention position, and not moving around.  (I spent 10 years in the Navy and always hated being at "attention."  People have a tendency to pass out if they lock their legs in this position for too long.)

Anyway, I then noticed the camera to the left of the soldiers.  It's not pointed towards the ramp where all the expensive aircraft are, it's pointed directly at the two soldiers standing against the "wall."  As if to say, "You stand here, don't move - we're watching you.."  Now take a closer look at the camera - it's not actually attached to anything and what wires it does have are cut off and hanging out the back of the camera.  It's a dummy camera - but the soldiers don't know.  They're scared to death if they move they are going to be seen and get in even more trouble.

Now I don't know what these guys did to receive this kind of punishment, I can only imagine.  Were they late for work?  Drunk and disorderly? Did they find a way to access banned Facebook? I'll never know what these guys did, but I find myself wondering about them even years later...



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